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A community for cinephiles, avid Netflix binge watchers, and casuals who're here only for the popcorn and good times.

We love films, TV shows, and other great forms of entertainment. 

This community is dedicated to all the great films throughout history and a safe-haven for film buffs, aspiring filmmakers, and casual movie goers, where we can discuss and share our love for movies. The thing is, there are so many films out there! Ranging from its conception to the big summer blockbusters of today, there is literally a plethora of films--known and unknown--for the taking; and certainly a lot of great and bad ones (and we like to watch both) that we haven't seen... and plenty more that we may never see in our lifetime. But that's what film is all about, it's timeless.

Everyone and anyone is welcome, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality or otherwise- we're all one big family here. We aim to make any and all feel inclusive as we share photos, reviews, short films, favorite films and shows, and multiple recommendations.​

Lights. Popcorn. Play.

Visit Films To Watch Before You Die Now

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